Balanceology - The Art of Balance - Burnout Podcast

E32: Relax

Balanceology Season 2 Episode 32

Stress can be overwhelming and with recent world events, it may feel like a real struggle to juggle all of your responsibilities without burning out. Relaxation may be the last thing on your mind as you cannot see the wood for the trees, however, it is likely the single most powerful action you can take to de-stress and regain strength and focus.

In this episode of the Art of Balance Podcast, burnout expert Jayne Morris and wellbeing coach Dylan Cox, discuss why relaxing is important, how we all relax differently and why making time for relaxation can completely transform your mindset, energy levels and life.

This episode will help you:

  • Identify what activities genuinely help you relax
  • Increase awareness of signs that your body is telling you to relax
  • Understand the benefits of regular relaxation 
  • Shift the perception regular relaxation exhibits  weakness
  • Improve your ability to relax
  • Encourage positive self-talk

Balanceology is a leading wellbeing solutions business specifically focused on supporting organisations to prevent workplace burnout through our 4 main offerings, workshops, coaching, change management and personal recovery retreats.

Jayne Morris is the UK's leading burnout expert and author of the bestselling 'Burnout to Brilliance - Strategies for Sustainable Success'. She has helped individuals and businesses recover from burnout since 2009.

Dylan Cox is a self-esteem and confidence coach, facilitator and presenter. 

Balanceology is a leading coaching company that focuses on supporting individuals and organisations in the prevention of workplace burnout. Our main offerings include talks, workshops and trainings, coaching and burnout recovery retreats.

Jayne Morris is the UK's leading executive burnout coach and author of the bestselling 'Burnout to Brilliance - Strategies for Sustainable Success'. She is ICF MCC accredited, holds a PG Cert in Coaching, Advanced Diploma in Integrative Art Psychotherapy, is a Certified Coach Supervisor and has over 15 years' experience helping individuals and organisations prevent and recover from burnout -

Dylan Cox is a coach-counsellor specialising in self-esteem and confidence. He is an experienced facilitator and presenter.